How much is my car worth?
The answer to "what's my car worth" is here!

-% estimated certainty
Above Market
Market Average
Below Market
Most Expensive
Least Expensive
Estimates based on similar vehicles sold.
We may have additional trade-in values and professional market data.
View DataHow to find out how much your car is worth
Tell us about your car
Utilizing our best-in-class data, we’re able to find your car and estimate a market value based on recent sales from the model you provide us.

Discover insights about your car’s value
Bumper looks at recent trends and patterns of similar vehicles sold in recent months to help give you a more accurate assessment of the market value of your car model.

We offer more than just market value
Our model specific trade-in values can help you know what is the best possible value for your vehicle when selling privately or to dealerships.

Why is Your Car’s Market Value Important?
Knowing a vehicle’s worth is important for both buyers and sellers alike.

Don’t overpay for a vehicle you plan on purchasing. A market value can help give you negotiating power.

Don’t lose a potential buyer by overvaluing your vehicle. A market value can help sell your vehicle fast at a fair price.

Your car is one of your most expensive assets. With monitoring, you can be in the know of how the value changes over time.
The Bumper Market Value Advantage
Bumper has a range of market values to give you the full picture of a vehicle’s value and trade-in value based on its condition. Our market value data is constantly used by professionals and dealerships. With Bumper, you can compare a vehicle’s value based on its history, ownership and much more!

Car Value & More
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