Free 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN Decoder

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Free Bentley Flying Spur VIN Decoder

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How to decode a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN

Characters 1-3 of a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN

World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) codes are a unique three-letter or -number sequence that identifies the manufacturer of a specific vehicle, providing crucial information about the car’s origin, make, and model. For the 2023 Bentley Flying Spur, the WMI indicates that it was manufactured by Bentley Motors Limited in Crewe, Cheshire, United Kingdom, underpinning its luxury pedigree and British heritage. This code, specifically designated for passenger cars, reveals not only the distinguished manufacturer but also the specific vehicle type. The WMI is the first portion of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), a unique code that ensures the vehicle’s identification and compliance with global standards. This system assures that each car, including those from esteemed manufacturers like Bentley, is recognized and registered accurately worldwide.

List of WMI Codes for a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur


  • Model Years Covered: 2017-2018, 2020-2024
  • Example VIN: SCBBB6ZG0PC005507
  • Manufacturer Name: Bentley Motors Limited
  • Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
  • City: Crewe
  • State or Province: Cheshire
  • Country: United Kingdom

Characters 4-8 are the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) of a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN

These characters correspond to components like:

  • Engine type
  • Transmission
  • Model or trim
  • Body style
  • Gross vehicle weight range

Below find the known vehicle descriptor codes for a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur:

Known VDS for a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur

Auto manufacturers have some discretion to decide how they want to code this section, but its contents and decoded results are generally consistent.

Character 9 is the “check digit” in a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN.

Based on a formula developed by the US Department of Transportation, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring the validity of the VIN.

10th Character in the 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN — Year Code

Year Code Year
P 2023

11th Character in the 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN — Plant Code(s)

Known 2023 Bentley Flying Spur Assembly Factory VIN Code(s)

Plant Code Plant City Plant State Plant Country Plant Company Name Example VIN
C Crewe Cheshire England SCBBB6ZG0PC005507

VIN Characters 12 - 17 of a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur

The final 6 characters in a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur’s 17-digit VIN are its serial number, which will be unique to every vehicle.

Check your Bentley Flying Spur’s VIN below:

How to find a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur’s VIN?

Locating the VIN number on your 2023 Bentley Flying Spur is key for identification. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Look at the dashboard on the driver’s side of your Bentley Flying Spur 2023 model. You should be able to see the VIN through the windshield on a dedicated plate.
  2. Examine the door pillar on the driver’s side. When you open the driver’s door, you can find the VIN on a sticker or plate where the door latches.
  3. Check the engine block of your Bentley Flying Spur for the VIN, as it’s often stamped on the engine itself.
  4. Inspect the vehicle’s registration documents or insurance card; the VIN of your Bentley Flying Spur 2023 should be listed there.
  5. Look for the VIN on the frame of the vehicle, particularly in the area under the hood or near the fenders on the Bentley Flying Spur.
VIN Decoder

What info can a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur VIN reveal?

  • Model Year and Make: The VIN can reveal the vehicle’s model year, like the year 2023, offering insights into the vehicle’s age and the make, such as being a Flying Spur.
  • Engine and Performance: Described as a V-Shaped, 6-cylinder engine with 410 horsepower, this detail might hint at the vehicle’s potential power and performance capabilities.
  • Safety Features: Standard safety features include Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Blind Spot Warning (BSW), Curtain Airbags for 1st Row occupants, and Forward Collision Warning (FCW), illustrating the vehicle’s focus on passenger safety.
  • Electrification Level and Fuel Type: The vehicle is a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), using both electric and gasoline as its primary and secondary fuel types, reflecting its modern powertrain technology and efficiency.
  • Body Class and Drive Type: Classified as a Sedan/Saloon with All-Wheel Drive (AWD), this specification can affect its handling and utility.
  • Advanced Technology and Comfort Features: Equipped with features like a Backup Camera, Keyless Ignition, and an Auto-Reverse System for Windows and Sunroofs, indicating a high level of convenience and safety.
  • Manufacturing Information: The vehicle was manufactured in Crewe, England, providing insight into its geographic origin and manufacturing standards.
VIN Decoder

Don’t have your 2023 Bentley Flying Spur’s VIN handy? Try our license plate lookup instead!

Sample VIN Decode Report for a 2023 Bentley Flying Spur

Vehicle Spec Value
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Standard
Auto-Reverse System for Windows and Sunroofs Standard
Backup Camera Standard
Blind Spot Warning (BSW) Standard
Body Class Sedan/Saloon
Crash Imminent Braking (CIB) Standard
Curtain Air Bag Locations 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
Daytime Running Light (DRL) Standard
Displacement (CC) 2894
Displacement (CI) 176.602715410
Displacement (L) 2.894000
Doors 4
Drive Type AWD/All-Wheel Drive
Dynamic Brake Support (DBS) Standard
Electrification Level PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle)
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Standard
Engine Brake (hp) From 410
Engine Configuration V-Shaped
Engine Model DGP
Engine Number of Cylinders 6
Event Data Recorder (EDR) Standard
Forward Collision Warning (FCW) Standard
Front Air Bag Locations 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
Fuel Type - Primary Electric
Fuel Type - Secondary Gasoline
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From Class 2E: 6,001 - 7,000 lb (2,722 - 3,175 kg)
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating To Class 2E: 6,001 - 7,000 lb (2,722 - 3,175 kg)
Headlamp Light Source LED
Keyless Ignition Standard
Lane Keeping Assistance (LKA) Optional
Model Flying Spur
Model Year 2023
Number of Seat Rows 2
Other Engine Info Emission Std.: Lev 3/Tier 3 (70)
Other Restraint System Info Airbag for driver and front passenger - advanced / - 3-point seat belts (all seating positions) / Thorax Airbags Front Seats Side Curtain Airbags
Plant City Crewe
Plant Company Name
Plant Country England
Plant State Cheshire
Rear Cross Traffic Alert Standard
Seat Belt Type Manual
Semiautomatic Headlamp Beam Switching Standard
Series Hybrid
Side Air Bag Locations 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Type Direct
Traction Control Standard
Transmission Speeds 8
Transmission Style Automatic
Vehicle Descriptor SCBBR6ZG*PC
Vehicle Type Passenger Car
Sample_VIN SCBBR6ZG0PC005339

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