Free 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN Decoder

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How to decode a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN

Characters 1-3 of a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN

A World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) is a unique code consisting of the first three characters of a vehicle’s identification number (VIN), which specifies the manufacturer, the country of manufacture, and other critical attributes of the vehicle. For the 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400, the WMIs “1GC” and “2GC” indicate that these trucks were produced by General Motors LLC, located in Warren, Michigan, United States. Specifically, the “1GC” WMI was utilized for model years 1988-2000, and the “2GC” for 1988-1998, denoting vehicles classified as trucks. These codes not only authenticate the vehicle’s origin but also provide essential information regarding its manufacturer and type for regulatory, service, and manufacturing purposes. The WMIs are essential for defining vehicles’ identities on a global scale, encapsulating their origins and foundational characteristics succinctly.

List of WMI Codes for a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400


  • Model Years Covered: 1988-2000
  • Example VIN: 1GCEK19W3VE162843
  • Manufacturer Name: General Motors LLC
  • Vehicle Type: Truck
  • City: Warren
  • State or Province: Michigan
  • Country: United States


  • Model Years Covered: 1988-1998
  • Example VIN: 2GCEC19R0V1141196
  • Manufacturer Name: General Motors LLC
  • Vehicle Type: Truck
  • City: Warren
  • State or Province: Michigan
  • Country: United States

Characters 4-8 are the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) of a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN

These characters correspond to components like:

  • Engine type
  • Transmission
  • Model or trim
  • Body style
  • Gross vehicle weight range

Below find the known vehicle descriptor codes for a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400:

Known VDS for a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400

Auto manufacturers have some discretion to decide how they want to code this section, but its contents and decoded results are generally consistent.

Character 9 is the “check digit” in a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN.

Based on a formula developed by the US Department of Transportation, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring the validity of the VIN.

10th Character in the 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN — Year Code

Year Code Year
V 1997

11th Character in the 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN — Plant Code(s)

Known 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 Assembly Factory VIN Code(s)

Plant Code Plant City Plant State Plant Country Plant Company Name Example VIN
1 Oshawa Truck Ontario Canada Na-Canada-Truck 2GCEC19R0V1141196
E Pontiac Michigan United States Gm Truck Group 1GCEK19W3VE162843
F Flint Michigan United States Gm Truck Group 1GCGC33J4VF006433
Z Roanoke Indiana United States Fort Wayne Assembly 1GCFC24R2VZ190053

VIN Characters 12 - 17 of a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400

The final 6 characters in a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400’s 17-digit VIN are its serial number, which will be unique to every vehicle.

Check your Chevrolet GMT-400’s VIN below:

How to find a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400’s VIN?

Locating the VIN number on your 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 is key for identification. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Look at the dashboard on the driver’s side of your Chevrolet GMT-400; the VIN can typically be seen through the windshield.
  2. Open the driver’s side door and inspect the door jamb for a sticker or plate that may house the VIN on your 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400.
  3. Check the frame of the vehicle; sometimes the VIN is stamped onto the chassis of the Chevrolet GMT-400, which might be visible from under the hood or underneath the vehicle.
  4. Examine the engine block, as the VIN might also be stamped onto the engine of your 1997 Chevy truck.
  5. Review your Chevrolet GMT-400’s insurance or ownership papers, as the VIN will be listed along with other important vehicle details.
VIN Decoder

What info can a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400 VIN reveal?

  • Model Year: The VIN can reveal the vehicle’s model year, such as 1997, providing insights into the age and potential market value of the vehicle.
  • Body Class and Size: It could possibly reveal the body class, for example, Pickup, and specifics like having a Crew/Super Crew/Crew Max cab type, indicating the size and configuration of the cabin space.
  • Engine Specifications: Insights into the engine can be quite comprehensive, potentially including the engine manufacturer (e.g., WRN), configuration (V-Shaped), displacement (7.4 L), and the number of cylinders (8), offering a thorough understanding of the vehicle’s powerplant.
  • Fuel Type and Efficiency Systems: Information might cover the primary fuel type, which in some examples could be Gasoline, and detail the fuel delivery system, such as Multipoint Fuel Injection (MPFI), illuminating the vehicle’s fuel management technology.
  • Drive Type and Brake System: The VIN can provide details on the drivetrain, for example, 4x2, and brake system type, such as Hydraulic, potentially affecting the vehicle’s handling and safety features.
  • Vehicle Identification and Manufacturer: Specific characters within the VIN, like ‘1GCGC33J*VF’, could help identify not only the vehicle model (e.g., GMT-400) and trim (e.g., 3500 or 1 ton) but also may pinpoint manufacturing information including the plant location (Flint, Michigan, United States) and the company name (e.g., GM Truck Group), potentially assuring the vehicle’s origin and authenticity.
  • Weight Class: The VIN may categorize the vehicle in a weight class, for instance, Class 2G: 8,001 - 9,000 lb (3,629 - 4,082 kg), giving insights into its weight specifications and relevant regulations.
VIN Decoder

Don’t have your 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400’s VIN handy? Try our license plate lookup instead!

Sample VIN Decode Report for a 1997 Chevrolet GMT-400

Vehicle Spec Value
Body Class Pickup
Brake System Type Hydraulic
Cab Type Crew/Super Crew/Crew Max
Displacement (CC) 7400.0
Displacement (CI) 451.57570630101
Displacement (L) 7.4
Doors 4
Drive Type 4x2
Engine Configuration V-Shaped
Engine Manufacturer WRN
Engine Number of Cylinders 8
Fuel Delivery / Fuel Injection Type Multipoint Fuel Injection (MPFI)
Fuel Type - Primary Gasoline
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From Class 2G: 8,001 - 9,000 lb (3,629 - 4,082 kg)
Model GMT-400
Model Year 1997
Other Engine Info HO
Plant City Flint
Plant Company Name GM Truck Group
Plant Country United States
Plant State Michigan
Series Conventional Cab
Trim 3500 (1 ton)
Vehicle Descriptor 1GCGC33J*VF
Vehicle Type Truck
Sample_VIN 1GCGC33J4VF006433


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