Free 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN Decoder

Unlock the secrets of your robust 1997 Ford AT9513 with our free VIN decoder. Find out what sets your powerful truck apart - simply enter your VIN in the box below to start exploring.

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Free Ford AT9513 VIN Decoder

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Free Ford AT9513 VIN Decoder

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How to decode a 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN

Characters 1-3 of a 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN

World Manufacturer Identifiers (WMIs) are crucial components of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) system, uniquely identifying the manufacturer of any given vehicle. Each WMI is a distinct code that reveals information about the vehicle, including the manufacturer’s name, and often, the type of vehicle and its production location. For instance, in the case of a 1997 Ford AT9513, the WMI would be specific to Ford Motor Company, indicating that the vehicle is a truck produced by this manufacturer. This particular WMI would also pinpoint the production to a specific region, which, for many Ford vehicles, is in the United States. Understanding WMIs is key to accurately identifying vehicles and learning essential details about their origin and type.

List of WMI Codes for a 1997 Ford AT9513


  • Model Years Covered: 1997
  • Example VIN: 1FTYY96B2VVA38106
  • Manufacturer Name: Ford Motor Company
  • Vehicle Type: Truck
  • City: Dearborn
  • State or Province: Michigan
  • Country: United States

Characters 4-8 are the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) of a 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN

These characters correspond to components like:

  • Engine type
  • Transmission
  • Model or trim
  • Body style
  • Gross vehicle weight range

Below find the known vehicle descriptor codes for a 1997 Ford AT9513:

Known VDS for a 1997 Ford AT9513

Auto manufacturers have some discretion to decide how they want to code this section, but its contents and decoded results are generally consistent.

Character 9 is the “check digit” in a 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN.

Based on a formula developed by the US Department of Transportation, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring the validity of the VIN.

10th Character in the 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN — Year Code

Year Code Year
V 1997

11th Character in the 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN — Plant Code(s)

Known 1997 Ford AT9513 Assembly Factory VIN Code(s)

Plant Code Plant City Plant State Plant Country Plant Company Name Example VIN
V Jefferson County Kentucky United States Kentucky Truck 1FTYY96B2VVA38106

VIN Characters 12 - 17 of a 1997 Ford AT9513

The final 6 characters in a 1997 Ford AT9513’s 17-digit VIN are its serial number, which will be unique to every vehicle.

Check your Ford AT9513’s VIN below:

How to find a 1997 Ford AT9513’s VIN?

Locating the VIN number on your 1997 Ford AT9513 is key for identification. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Look at the dashboard on the driver’s side of your 1997 Ford AT9513, typically close to where the dashboard meets the windshield, easily visible through the windshield from outside the vehicle.
  2. Inspect the driver’s side door frame on your Ford truck for a sticker or plate when you open the door, particularly in the area where the door latches shut, known as the door jamb.
  3. Check the engine block of the 1997 Ford AT9513, where the VIN might also be stamped onto a metal part of the engine.
  4. Examine the vehicle’s documentation for the 1997 Ford AT9513, such as the title, registration, or insurance papers, where the VIN is usually listed.
VIN Decoder

What info can a 1997 Ford AT9513 VIN reveal?

  • Model Year: The VIN can reveal the vehicle’s model year, potentially being the year 1997, offering insights into the age and potential market value of the truck.
  • Vehicle Type and Body Class: The VIN indicates that the vehicle is classified as a Truck with a specific Body Class of Truck-Tractor, hinting at its intended use in more heavy-duty applications.
  • Engine Specifications: Detailed engine information is available, including that the engine is manufactured by Det. Diesel, the model being DDC-60, and characteristics such as a displacement of 12.7L or 775 cubic inches and horsepower ranging from 370 to 500, indicating a powerful diesel engine setup.
  • Fuel Type: The vehicle runs on Diesel, which is specified as the primary fuel type.
  • Axle Configuration: The VIN mentions a Tandem axle configuration, suggesting that the truck is designed for load-bearing and stability over long distances.
  • Plant Location: The manufacturing details include that the truck was assembled in Jefferson County, Kentucky, at the Kentucky Truck plant, underscoring the vehicle’s American manufacturing origin.
  • Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): The VIN identifies the truck as Class 8, which means it falls into the heaviest weight classification for vehicles at 33,001 pounds or above, indicating its capability for substantial hauling tasks.
VIN Decoder

Don’t have your 1997 Ford AT9513’s VIN handy? Try our license plate lookup instead!

Sample VIN Decode Report for a 1997 Ford AT9513

Vehicle Spec Value
Axle Configuration Tandem
Body Class Truck-Tractor
Brake System Type Air
Cab Type MDHD: Conventional
Displacement (CC) 12699.974600
Displacement (CI) 775
Displacement (L) 12.7
Engine Brake (hp) From 370
Engine Brake (hp) To 500
Engine Configuration In-Line
Engine Manufacturer Det. Diesel
Engine Model DDC-60
Engine Number of Cylinders 6
Fuel Type - Primary Diesel
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From Class 8: 33,001 lb and above (14,969 kg and above)
Model AT9513
Model Year 1997
Plant City Jefferson County
Plant Company Name Kentucky Truck
Plant Country United States
Plant State Kentucky
Series Aeromax 113
Vehicle Descriptor 1FTYY96D*VV
Vehicle Type Truck
Sample_VIN 1FTYY96D1VVA14980


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