Free 2008 Kia Sportage VIN Decoder

Unlock the secrets behind your rugged 2008 Kia Sportage's durable design and efficient performance. Our free VIN decoder is ready for you below. Enter your VIN now and start exploring!

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Free Kia Sportage VIN Decoder

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How to decode a 2008 Kia Sportage VIN

Characters 1-3 of a 2008 Kia Sportage VIN

World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) codes are unique sequences used to identify the manufacturer of every vehicle worldwide. The WMI for a 2008 Kia Sportage reveals that it was manufactured by Kia Corporation, indicating its South Korean origins specifically from Seoul, Seocho-Gu. This code is critical for recognizing the vehicle type, here classified as a Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle (MPV), which underscores its design for various uses. Model years covered under this WMI range from the mid-1990s through to the present, showcasing a long history of production. Such codes play a vital role in vehicle identification, legal documentation, and when tracing the manufacturing history of a vehicle.

List of WMI Codes for a 2008 Kia Sportage


  • Model Years Covered: 1995, 1997-2002, 2005-2024
  • Example VIN: KNDJF724087452951
  • Manufacturer Name: Kia Corporation
  • Vehicle Type: Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle (MPV)
  • City: Seoul
  • State or Province: Seocho-Gu
  • Country: South Korea

Characters 4-8 are the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) of a 2008 Kia Sportage VIN

These characters correspond to components like:

  • Engine type
  • Transmission
  • Model or trim
  • Body style
  • Gross vehicle weight range

Below find the known vehicle descriptor codes for a 2008 Kia Sportage:

Known VDS for a 2008 Kia Sportage

Auto manufacturers have some discretion to decide how they want to code this section, but its contents and decoded results are generally consistent.

Character 9 is the “check digit” in a 2008 Kia Sportage VIN.

Based on a formula developed by the US Department of Transportation, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring the validity of the VIN.

10th Character in the 2008 Kia Sportage VIN — Year Code

Year Code Year
8 2008

11th Character in the 2008 Kia Sportage VIN — Plant Code(s)

Known 2008 Kia Sportage Assembly Factory VIN Code(s)

Plant Code Plant City Plant State Plant Country Plant Company Name Example VIN
7 Gwangju South Korea Kia Motors Corporation KNDJF724087452951

VIN Characters 12 - 17 of a 2008 Kia Sportage

The final 6 characters in a 2008 Kia Sportage’s 17-digit VIN are its serial number, which will be unique to every vehicle.

Check your Kia Sportage’s VIN below:

How to find a 2008 Kia Sportage’s VIN?

Locating the VIN number on your 2008 Kia Sportage is key for identification. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Check the dashboard on the driver’s side of your Kia Sportage. The VIN is often viewable through the windshield on a small plate.
  2. Inspect the door jamb on the driver’s side. The Kia Sportage typically has a sticker with the VIN where the door latches when closed.
  3. Look for the VIN underneath the hood. It can be found on the engine block or the firewall within the engine bay of your Kia Sportage.
  4. Examine the rear wheel well. Sometimes the VIN is stuck on the top of the wheel well inside the rear trunk area.
  5. Review your vehicle registration or insurance documents. The VIN for your Kia Sportage will be listed there.
VIN Decoder

What info can a 2008 Kia Sportage VIN reveal?

  • Model Year: The VIN can reveal the vehicle’s model year, indicating it’s a Kia Sportage from 2008, providing insights into the age and potential market value of the vehicle.
  • Body Class and Vehicle Type: The VIN specifies the vehicle as a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV), designed for multipurpose passenger transport, hinting at its versatility and capacity.
  • Engine Specifications: The VIN outlines significant aspects of the vehicle’s performance capabilities, such as a 2.0L engine displacement, 4 cylinders, an in-line engine configuration, and 140 horsepower, offering key insights into its power and efficiency.
  • Fuel Type: The primary fuel type for this vehicle is gasoline, which informs the user about the potential fuel economy and emission standards.
  • Transmission and Drive Type: The VIN indicates a manual/standard transmission with 5 speeds and a 4x2 drive type, clarifying the vehicle’s handling characteristics and drivetrain layout.
  • Plant Details: Manufactured in Gwangju, South Korea by Kia Motors Corporation, the VIN offers a glimpse into the vehicle’s origin, potentially affecting perceptions of build quality and design influences.
  • Safety and Equipment Features: The VIN suggests the vehicle includes features aimed at improving safety and driving convenience, such as a direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).
VIN Decoder

Don’t have your 2008 Kia Sportage’s VIN handy? Try our license plate lookup instead!

Sample VIN Decode Report for a 2008 Kia Sportage

Vehicle Spec Value
Body Class Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
Destination Market 50 States
Displacement (CC) 2000
Displacement (CI) 122.0474881894
Displacement (L) 2
Doors 4
Drive Type 4WD/4-Wheel Drive/4x4
Engine Brake (hp) From 140
Engine Configuration In-Line
Engine Number of Cylinders 4
Fuel Type - Primary Gasoline
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From Class 1C: 4,001 - 5,000 lb (1,814 - 2,268 kg)
Model Sportage
Model Year 2008
Number of Seats 5
Plant City Gwangju
Plant Company Name Kia Motors Corporation
Plant Country South Korea
Series KM
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Type Direct
Transmission Speeds 5
Transmission Style Manual/Standard
Valve Train Design Dual Overhead Cam (DOHC)
Vehicle Descriptor KNDJE724*87
Vehicle Type Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle
Sample_VIN KNDJE724287458060


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