Free 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN Decoder

Unlock the elegance and sophistication of your 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190. Use our free VIN decoder below to explore its distinguished lineage and forward-thinking amenities. Enter your VIN in the box provided to start your journey.

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How to decode a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN

Characters 1-3 of a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN

Vehicle Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) codes are essential components of a vehicle’s identification number (VIN), uniquely classifying the manufacturer of any given automobile. For instance, the WMI code “WDB” distinctly identifies Mercedes-Benz Cars as the manufacturer. This specific code is attributed to vehicles produced by Mercedes-Benz in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, including the 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190. Such a WMI code not only reveals the manufacturer but also indicates the vehicle type and the production location, providing a quick insight into the vehicle’s origin and category. Therefore, through the WMI, one can discern that a car with the starting VIN digits “WDB” is a passenger car made by Mercedes-Benz in Germany.

List of WMI Codes for a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190


  • Model Years Covered: 1984-1989, 1991-1993
  • Example VIN: WDBDA24C8FF075600
  • Manufacturer Name: Mercedes-Benz Cars
  • Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
  • City: Stuttgart
  • State or Province: Baden-Württemberg
  • Country: Germany

Characters 4-8 are the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) of a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN

These characters correspond to components like:

  • Engine type
  • Transmission
  • Model or trim
  • Body style
  • Gross vehicle weight range

Below find the known vehicle descriptor codes for a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190:

Known VDS for a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190

Auto manufacturers have some discretion to decide how they want to code this section, but its contents and decoded results are generally consistent.

Character 9 is the “check digit” in a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN.

Based on a formula developed by the US Department of Transportation, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring the validity of the VIN.

10th Character in the 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN — Year Code

Year Code Year
F 1985

11th Character in the 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN — Plant Code(s)

Known 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 Assembly Factory VIN Code(s)

Plant Code Plant City Plant State Plant Country Plant Company Name Example VIN
F Bremen Bremen Germany WDBDA24C8FF075600

VIN Characters 12 - 17 of a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190

The final 6 characters in a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190’s 17-digit VIN are its serial number, which will be unique to every vehicle.

Check your Mercedes-Benz 190’s VIN below:

How to find a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190’s VIN?

Locating the VIN number on your 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 is key for identification. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Inspect the dashboard on the driver’s side of your Mercedes-Benz 190. The VIN is typically positioned on the lower left corner of the dashboard, just above where the dashboard meets the windshield.
  2. Look at the door pillar on the driver’s side when you open the door of your Mercedes-Benz 190. The VIN can often be found on a plate or sticker where the door latches.
  3. Check under the hood; the VIN might also be located on the front engine block or on the bar that holds the hood down.
  4. Examine the vehicle’s firewall inside the engine compartment; there is often a VIN plate attached to the firewall in your Mercedes-Benz 190.
  5. If you have the paperwork, check the vehicle’s title, registration, or insurance documents, as the VIN will be listed there. It may not be physically on the vehicle, but it is an important location where the VIN is recorded for your Mercedes-Benz 190.
VIN Decoder

What info can a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190 VIN reveal?

  • Model Year: The VIN can reveal the vehicles model year being the year 1985, providing insights into the age and potential market value of the vehicle.
  • Plant Location: The VIN provides details on manufacturing, pinpointing this vehicle’s production to Bremen, Germany.
  • Vehicle Specifications: Insights into the vehicle specifications are encoded in the VIN, showcasing a Sedan/Saloon body class with a 2.3L engine displacement and manual seat belt type.
  • Fuel Efficiency: It may possibly reveal the primary fuel type the vehicle operates on, which for this vehicle is gasoline.
  • Engine Power: Specific data on engine power, such as a horsepower starting from 130 hp, can possibly be derived from the VIN.
  • Safety Features: It includes information on safety mechanisms, possibly disclosing this vehicle comes with a 3 Point Outer Seats with Emergency Tensioning Retractors and other detailed seat belt configurations.
  • Identification and Series: The VIN not only may help in identifying the make and model, such as a Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6 series, but also offers a unique vehicle descriptor and sample VIN for further identification and verification purposes.
VIN Decoder

Don’t have your 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190’s VIN handy? Try our license plate lookup instead!

Sample VIN Decode Report for a 1985 Mercedes-Benz 190

Vehicle Spec Value
Body Class Sedan/Saloon
Displacement (CC) 2300.0
Displacement (CI) 140.35461141788
Displacement (L) 2.3
Doors 4
Engine Brake (hp) From 130
Fuel Type - Primary Gasoline
Model 190
Model Year 1985
Other Restraint System Info 3 Point Outer Seats with Emergency Tensioning Retractors 3-Point Belt in Outer Rear Seat Position, Lap Belt (Center Rear), Air Bags
Plant City Bremen
Plant Company Name
Plant Country Germany
Plant State Bremen
Seat Belt Type Manual
Series 190E 2.6
Vehicle Descriptor WDBDA24D*FF
Vehicle Type Passenger Car
Sample_VIN WDBDA24D7FF109521


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