Free 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN Decoder

Unlock the storied past of your sleek 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 with our free VIN decoder. Enter your VIN in the box below to reveal intriguing details about your vehicle.

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How to decode a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN

Characters 1-3 of a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN

A World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) is a unique code that identifies the manufacturer of a vehicle, and it forms the first three characters of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Specifically, the WMI for a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 indicates that the vehicle was manufactured by Mercedes-Benz Cars in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. These initial digits reveal critical information including the vehicle type and the production location. For the Mercedes-Benz 300 series from the early 1980s, the WMI denotes that the vehicle is a passenger car, underscoring the prestige and manufacturing standards of the Mercedes-Benz brand. This system is essential for accurately tracking, registering, and recalling vehicles worldwide.

List of WMI Codes for a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300


  • Model Years Covered: 1981-1993
  • Example VIN: WDBCB20A2CB025775
  • Manufacturer Name: Mercedes-Benz Cars
  • Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
  • City: Stuttgart
  • State or Province: Baden-Württemberg
  • Country: Germany

Characters 4-8 are the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS) of a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN

These characters correspond to components like:

  • Engine type
  • Transmission
  • Model or trim
  • Body style
  • Gross vehicle weight range

Below find the known vehicle descriptor codes for a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300:

Known VDS for a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300

Auto manufacturers have some discretion to decide how they want to code this section, but its contents and decoded results are generally consistent.

Character 9 is the “check digit” in a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN.

Based on a formula developed by the US Department of Transportation, it helps reduce fraud by ensuring the validity of the VIN.

10th Character in the 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN — Year Code

Year Code Year
C 1982

11th Character in the 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN — Plant Code(s)

Known 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 Assembly Factory VIN Code(s)

Plant Code Plant City Plant State Plant Country Plant Company Name Example VIN
B Sindelfingen Germany WDBCB20A2CB025775
N Bremen Germany WDBAB93A0CN009374

VIN Characters 12 - 17 of a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300

The final 6 characters in a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300’s 17-digit VIN are its serial number, which will be unique to every vehicle.

Want to unlock even more detailed info about your vehicle?

How to find a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300’s VIN?

Locating the VIN number on your 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 is key for identification. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Examine the windshield on the driver’s side of your Mercedes-Benz 300 where the VIN may be displayed on a small plaque visible through the glass.
  2. Look at the door pillar on the driver’s side when you open the door of your 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300; the VIN can be located on a sticker or plate where the door latches.
  3. Check under the hood of your Mercedes-Benz 300. The VIN may be stamped on the firewall or on other parts of the engine bay.
  4. Inspect the trunk area of your Mercedes-Benz 300 near where the spare tire is stored as the VIN might be found in this location on a sticker or plate.
  5. Explore beneath the car, as the VIN can sometimes be found on the chassis or frame near the front wheel well of the Mercedes-Benz 300.
  6. Study any official documentation related to your vehicle, such as the title, registration, or insurance paperwork, where the VIN should be clearly listed for your 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300.
VIN Decoder

What info can a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300 VIN reveal?

  • Model Year: The VIN can reveal the vehicle’s model year, indicating it is likely from around 1982, providing insights into the age and potential market value of the vehicle.
  • Manufacturing Location: The VIN specifies that the vehicle was manufactured in Sindelfingen, Germany, possibly providing insight into its production origin.
  • Vehicle Specifications: Basic details such as the make being a model 300 CDT and engine specifics like it being diesel-fueled with a turbo are possibly encoded within the VIN, offering insights into the vehicle’s specifications.
  • Body Class and Doors: The VIN can disclose the body type of the vehicle as a Coupe with 2 doors, suggesting clues about its design and functionality.
  • Fuel Type: This VIN identifies the primary fuel type as Diesel, possibly highlighting the engine’s fuel efficiency and performance characteristics.
  • Safety Features: Indications are that the vehicle is possibly equipped with manual seat belts, providing some insight into the safety features available.
  • Vehicle Type: Information decoded suggests that this VIN may pertain to a passenger car, potentially clarifying the vehicle’s intended use and classification.
VIN Decoder

Don’t have your 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300’s VIN handy? Try our license plate lookup instead!

Sample VIN Decode Report for a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300

Vehicle Spec Value
Body Class Coupe
Doors 2
Fuel Type - Primary Diesel
Model 300
Model Year 1982
Plant City Sindelfingen
Plant Company Name
Plant Country Germany
Seat Belt Type Manual
Series CDT
Turbo Yes
Vehicle Descriptor WDBAB53A*CB
Vehicle Type Passenger Car
Sample_VIN WDBAB53A0CB001222


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