Home > Hyundai > Tucson Hybrid > 2023 > KM8JECA13PU085350

2023 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid

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Vehicle Details

VIN: KM8JECA13PU085350
  • Manufacturing Year: 2023
  • MSRP: $37,390
  • Body Type: SUV
  • Drive Type: AWD
  • Fuel Type: Unleaded
  • Exterior Color: Silver
  • Interior Color: Gray
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2023 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid


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Vehicle Details

VIN: KM8JECA13PU085350
  • Manufacturing Year: 2023
  • MSRP: $37,390
  • Body Type: SUV
  • Drive Type: AWD
  • Fuel Type: Unleaded
  • Exterior Color: Silver
  • Interior Color: Gray
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VIN: KM8JECA13PU085350
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$298 below avg. list price of $37,688
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